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Kaknjang nak bincang pasal MENOPAUSE / PUTUS HAID pulak kali ni...
Sebagai wanita, menopause tetap akan tiba since it's part of aging. Ya. Ia adalah satu proses penuaan. We are getting older. No doubt about it.
Mesti selalu dengar people are making jokes about this...
Kalau perempuan pertengahan umur selalu marah-marah tak tentu pasal...."nak menopause la tu!"
Kalau wanita pertengahan umur asyik-ayik lupa itu ini...."Hmmm... dah menopause agaknya..."
Nak marah kat depa yang dok kata tu pun tak boleh sebab dah memang itu antara gejala-gejala menopause pun.
Habis tu macam mana? Tak kan nak redha je kot? Idak le kan...
Tak pa. Jangan risau. Kita korek hal menopause ni sama-sama ya...
Apa Itu Menopause, Apa Penyebabnya?
Menopause is a natural part of aging.
As you age, the number and quality of your eggs decline, hormone levels fluctuate, and your menstrual cycle becomes less predictable until it finally stops completely.
As you age, the number and quality of your eggs decline, hormone levels fluctuate, and your menstrual cycle becomes less predictable until it finally stops completely.
Kenapa Ada Yang Menopause Awal?
Certain lifestyle choices and medical treatments can cause or are linked to an earlier menopause, including:
- Smoking. On average, women who smoke reach menopause 1½ years earlier than those who don't. The longer you have smoked and the more you smoke, the stronger this effect is likely to be.
- Radiation therapy to or removal of the pituitary gland.
- Chemotherapy.
- Radiation therapy or other treatment to the abdomen or pelvis that damages the ovaries so that they no longer function.
- Genetic and autoimmune diseases (antaranya thyroid dan SLE).
- Removal of both ovaries (oophorectomy), which causes sudden menopause.
- Low body fat.
Yang atas tu memang kaknjang copy paste terus dari my reading kat WebMD dan HealthWise. Faham kan? Very straight forward.

Ni kaknjang senaraikan what to expect.
Jika ada mana-mana simptom tu datang, jangan lah panik. InsyaAllah ada yang kita boleh buat untuk mengurangkan masalah itu.
When it comes to aging, memang kita tak boleh nak stop the process. But what we can do is to delay the process and give us some times to adapt to our new fasa hidup.
Apa Sebenarnya Yang Berlaku?
Tubuh kita kekurangan hormon wanita. Estrogen level drops. When it drops to a certain level, kita dah tak period lagi.
The good news is, at this stage, kita akan punyai lower risk of certain types of cancers.
But the bad news is, lower estrogen level mengundang masalah lain pulak.
Low estrogen also creates some health concerns, such as:
- Bone loss. Low estrogen levels after menopause speed bone loss, increasing your risk of osteoporosis.
- Skin changes. Low estrogen leads to low collagen, which is a building block of skin and connective tissue. It's normal to have thinner, dryer, wrinkled skin after menopause. The vaginal lining and the lower urinary tract also thin and weaken. This condition can make sexual activity difficult. It can also increase the risk of vaginal and urinary tract infections.
- Tooth and gum changes. Low estrogen affects connective tissue, which increases your risk of tooth loss and possibly gum disease.
And for some reasons, a woman's risk of heart disease increases after menopause. Because heart disease is the number one killer of women, consider your heart risk factors when making lifestyle and treatment decisions.
Bila nak kena jumpa doktor? Kaknjang kata kena pi jumpa doktor kalau period tu abnormally banyak. Nak dengar kata pakar, baca sini...
Treatment for menopause? Menopause ni natural aging process. Nak treat apa nya... cuma bila the symptoms tu sungguh meresahkan dan mengganggu kehidupan seharian kepada sesetengah wanita, ada beberapa perubahan yang perlu diambil kira dengan serius.
The first step is to have a healthy lifestyle. This can help reduce symptoms and also lower your risk of heart disease and other long-term problems related to aging.
- Make a special effort to eat well. Choose a heart-healthy diet that is low in saturated fat. It should include plenty of fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, and high-fiber grains and breads.
- Eat a nutritious diet and be sure you are getting adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D to help your bones stay strong. Low-fat or nonfat dairy products are a great source of calcium.
- Get regular exercise. Exercise can help you manage your weight, keep your heart and bones strong, and lift your mood.
- Limit caffeine, alcohol, and stress. These things can make symptoms worse. Limiting them may help you sleep better.
- If you smoke, stop. Quitting smoking can reduce hot flashes and long-term health risks.
- Making soy a part of your daily diet. Isoflavones are short-acting. If you use soy for health reasons, try to eat it throughout the day, rather than all at once. Try to eat 40 mg to 80 mg of isoflavones each day.Remember that soy protein is different than soy isoflavone. A high-protein soy food may or may not have a large amount of isoflavones in it.
Soy comes in many forms, so you have a lot of choices for adding soy isoflavones to your diet.

ESP Shaklee - cara mudah untuk dapatkan protein soya dalam diet anda.
- Other supplements include B12, B9, Vitamin C, Omega3 (OmegaGuard Shaklee - pilihan terbaik dipasaran) and GLA (Omega6).
If lifestyle changes aren't enough to relieve your symptoms, you can try other measures, such as breathing exercises and yoga.
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